2025 Dauphin County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) Public Review & Meetings
The 2025 Dauphin County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) update is complete. The HMP documents the risks faced by the county and its communities, an analysis of stakeholder capabilities, and a set of goals, objectives, and actions to reduce vulnerability across the county. The draft HMP is available for review at: www.dauphincountyhmp.com/draft-plans/. Please visit the site and review the document posted there.
The public review period will be from February 10, 2025, to March 10, 2025, so please provide any feedback/comments via the following link: http://bit.ly/3WTZQxE.
Two (2) public review meetings will be held on the following days/times:
Monday, March 3rd – 1:00 PM at South Hanover Township Municipal Building
Board Room
161 Patriot Way
Hershey, PA 17033
Monday, March 3rd – 6:00 PM at Dauphin County Department of Public Safety
(Lower Level)
911 Gibson Boulevard
Steelton, PA 17113
If you are unable to attend the meetings in person, you may join virtually with the following Teams links: