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Tier 2 Public Notification

Steelton Water Authority Tier 2 Public Notification

Release Date: 12/23/2015, Test Results Date: 12/21/2015

For Questions or Concerns

The Borough will have staff available, at the Water Filtration plant, thoughout the holidays to address your concerns and questions.

Please contact the Water Filtration staff at 717-939-0425 ex. 8 or Doug Brown, Borough Manager at 717-939-9842 ex. 5030.

If you have futher concerns, DEP Service Representative’s are available at 717-705-4709.

Public Notification

In an effort to get information to our customers as quickly as possible, the Steelton Borough Water Authority is providing notice about a recent Tier II disinfectant byproduct violation identified on December 21, 2015. This non-emergency violation is identical to the one that the Authority notified the public about in October 2015. Because disinfectant byproduct levels are reported on a yearly running average basis, and it is an issue only a long term solution can fix, similar notices may occur until capital improvements to the water plant and distribution system are completed. Please read the information below as well as the public notification and cover letter to learn more about this violation. Residents with questions can call 717-939-0425 Extension 8 to talk with a member of the Water Authority Staff.

The Steelton Borough Water Authority is investing heavily in capital and operational improvements to meet newer, more stringent standards for disinfectant byproduct (DBP) levels in water. As stated in October 2015, reducing the periodic occurrences of DBP levels that are above levels regulated by DEP requires long term capital improvements to the Steelton Water Filtration Plant and Distribution System. The Steelton Water Authority has committed significant dollars to a number of capital improvements that will ensure compliance with newer DBP regulations; most significantly, the $2 million chlorine contact tank. The notice below is for the exact same issue the Authority notified the public about in October 2015. It is only through long term capital improvements that this non-emergency issue will be fully addressed.

Please note the following:

  • Tier II violations of the DBP rule are non-emergency violations. As per DEP, you do not have to change to an alternative source of water (please read the notification below for more information).
  • Instances of DBPs exceeding the maximum level are not a constant occurrence the Steelton Water System. Throughout the year, there are many times DBPs test below the maximum levels and there are times when they test above the maximum level.
  • DBPs are measured on an annual running average, meaning even if the most recent test results are below the maximum level, there can still be a Tier II violation notice required.
  • This is the same issue the public was notified about in October 2015 with a nearly identical notice.
  • In October, 2015 the Steelton Borough Water Authority took decisive action to address the DBP issue by investing authorizing the Disinfectant Byproduct Removal Project which includes the installation of a chlorine contact tank as the most fool-proof way to reduce DBPs.
  • The Steelton Borough Authority took further action at its December 2015 meeting by authorizing the Water System Optimization Project, which will provide numerous capital upgrades to Steelton’s water treatment and distribution system including automatic flushers and system modeling.
  • The Steelton Borough Water Authority and its staff thank you for your patience and understanding as we make the long term upgrades to the plant needed to address the DBP issue.

Tier 2 Public Notification Letter to Residents