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Borough News

Now Accepting Nominations for Community Heroes Day

Do you know someone who makes a great impact on the Steelton community by working tirelessly behind the scenes, not for glory and recognition but toward the humble ideal of doing their part to make the world a better place? These are our Community Heroes, and we want to recognize them for their contributions, but we need your help to nominate someone who makes a positive difference!

We want to honor local heroes such as firefighters, police officers, EMS, military veterans, community leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses, elected officials, and other individuals who fight for positive change, improve the quality of life & work for a brighter future in Steelton. The selected heroes will be honored during a Borough Council meeting and on Community Heroes Day on Saturday, May 31. To submit your nomination, please click this link to complete the online form:

If you require assistance or have any questions, please contact Community Relations Coordinator Tyler Vaupel at 717-579-0267 or

2025 Budgets for Review

Summary of General Fund Budget Process

The 2025 General Fund, Sewer Fund, Grants, Liquid Fuels, and Capital Improvement Budgets were developed by the Finance Committee of Steelton Borough Council in consultation with the Borough Manager, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, departmental staff, and consultants.  

The process for developing the budget was as follows:

Staff Level Budget Meetings

Assistant Secretary Treasurer & the Borough Manager met with Department Heads to review “Wish List” budgets including all desired capital and operational expenditures requested in the 2025 budget.

Departmental meetings were used to compile an initial budget that included all desired expenditures. This budget was presented to the Finance Committee for review and represented a deficit due to the budget including all desired personnel, capital purchases, and capital projects.

   Publicly Advertised Finance Committee Meetings

September 12, 2024Finance Committee met to review the Borough’s budgeting process.
September 26, 2024Finance Committee met to review a preliminary budget and request further information on line items.
October 3, 2024Finance Committee met to review a preliminary budget and request further information on line items.
October 10, 2024Department Heads were provided with an opportunity to discuss their individual budgets with the Finance Committee.
October 17 and November 14, 2024Review and discussion of cuts to balance budget. The cuts resulted in a balanced 2025 budget.
December 2, 2024Committee recommends budget to Steelton Borough Council Committee.
December 5-16, 2024Public Inspection period.

Publicly Advertised Council Meetings:

December 2, 2024Council Votes to Lay Budget for Public Inspection and Budget Ordinance advertised in Paper of General Circulation
December  5-16, 2024Public Inspection Period
December 16, 2024Formal Consideration and Adoption. Council considers passing budget appropriations ordinance and tax ordinance.

Key Components of Budget

  • General Tax Millage Remains Same
  • Provides $8,000 to Public Works for a capital purchase.
  • Budgeted 11 Fulltime Police Officers, 1 Corporal, 1 Chief Position

Steelton Borough Announces “Lend a Hand” Community Garden Event: A Community Collaboration to Enhance Borough Pride and Aesthetics

Steelton, PA—Steelton Borough is proud to present the “Lend a Hand ~Community Garden Event~,” an opportunity for residents and local leaders to come together and beautify the community, fostering unity and pride. This two-day event, taking place on Saturday, September 28, 2024, and Sunday, September 29, 2024, will offer a space for residents to leave a lasting mark on their community—literally.

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Community Invited to Shape the Future of Steelton’s Downtown and Front Street Corridor Community Visioning Workshop Scheduled for September 25th, 2024

Steelton, PA – The Dauphin County Redevelopment Authority, in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is inviting residents of Steelton and surrounding communities to participate in a Community Visioning Workshop to help shape a revitalization plan for Steelton’s Downtown and Front Street (Route 230) Corridor. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Steelton-Highspire High School.

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Council Swearing in Jan 2nd, 2024

On Tuesday, January 2, 2024, the Steelton Borough swore in their newly elected officials.

Council Elect Julianna Paioletti was sworn in by Mayor Ciera Dent, re-elected council member Denae House was sworn in by Mayor Ciera Dent, re-elected council member Michael Segina was sworn in by Mayor Ciera Dent and re-elected council member Vanessa Bowers was sworn in by Judge Royce Morris.

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Reminder: Open Burning prohibited within the borough.

Steelton Borough would like to remind its residents and community members about the existing ordinance prohibiting open burning within the borough. The provisions outlined in § 48-1 of the Steelton Borough municipal code clearly state that building fires or burning wastepaper, pasteboard boxes, and other waste material, except for outdoor cooking, are considered a nuisance and strictly prohibited.

Recent weather conditions, characterized by abnormally dry weather and record-low rainfall, have created a heightened risk of wildfires in the region. The combination of dry conditions and the potential for thunderstorms and lightning strikes poses a substantial threat to the safety and well-being of our community.

Additionally, the impact of smoke from extensive wildfires in Canada is being felt across the northeast, including the Harrisburg region. The resulting poor air quality, due to tiny particles in the smoke, poses a danger, especially for individuals with chronic lung or heart conditions.

Steelton Borough urges all residents, businesses, and stakeholders to be aware of and comply with the prohibition on open burning. This includes refraining from building fires or burning any form of waste material on streets, alleys, highways, vacant lands, public places, or private property, except for outdoor cooking purposes.

The borough’s commitment to public safety and environmental preservation requires the cooperation and support of everyone in the community. It is vital that we take necessary measures to prevent wildfires, protect our environment, and maintain good air quality standards.

Resignation Keontay R. Hodge / Vacancy Announcement

On December 7th Councilwoman Keontay R. Hodge submitted her resignation of Council. At the December 19th Council Meeting, Borough Council formally accepted Councilwoman Hodge’s resignation.

Steelton Borough Council and staff would like to thank Ms. Hodge for her years of service to the Borough. Ms. Hodge, elected to two terms, served as a Councilwoman for the Borough of Steelton from 2016-2022.

With Ms. Hodge’s resignation, Steelton Borough Council must appoint a new member to fill her vacancy until December 31st, 2023, which is the end of Ms. Hodge’s elected term.

Council is seeking letters of interest and resumes for consideration of appointment of the remainder of Councilwoman Hodge’s term. Submissions will be accepted by e-mail to Submissions will also be accepted by hand delivery, in a sealed envelope labeled “Attention Borough Manager, Council Vacancy,” to the third floor offices at Steelton Borough’s Administrative Office located on 123 N Front Street. All submissions must include your full legal name, address, and at least one method of contact in either the form of a phone number or e-mail address, preferably both. Applicants must meet all legal requirements and qualifications needed to hold this office in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Council will accept hand-delivered letters of interest and resumes until 3:00pm on December 30th, 2022 and by e-mail until January 2nd, 2023 at 11:59pm.

Council anticipates reviewing submissions and taking action at either the Jan 3rd, 2023 or Jan 17th, 2023 Council Meeting.

Steelton Swears in New Mayor, Council Members, and Tax Collector

On Monday January 3rd the Steelton Borough swore in their newly elected officials.

Mayor Elect Cierra Dent was sworn in by Judge Sonya Marie McKnight, Council Elect Willie Slade was sworn in by Judge Edward M. Marsico, Jr., re-elected council member Natashia Woods was sworn in by Judge Sonya Marie McKnight, re-elected council member Brian Proctor was sworn in by Judge Edward M. Marsico, Jr., and Tax Collector elect Mary J. Carricato was sworn in by Judge Edward M. Marsico, Jr..

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Street Sweeping Ticketing

Originally Posted at on 7/27/2020.

Ticketing for street sweeping violations in the Borough of Steelton began today, Monday, July 27th, 2020, and will continue until the end of November. Please be aware of all posted street signs when parking your vehicle. Please contact Chief Minium for any questions or concerns at or 717-439-5882

Police Department suspends street sweeping parking enforcement.

UPDATED 8/27/2020:
New Article Posted

Due to COVID-19 health concerns, street sweeping in the Borough of Steelton will NOT be enforced beginning April 1st. The warnings issued today were in error and the Steelton Borough Police Department WILL NOT be enforcing street sweeping violations until further notice. We apologize for any confusion this may cause. Please disregard any warning you may have received and remember that all other parking/safety violations will be enforced.