Steelton Skatepark
Location: Municipal Park (3rd Alley & Franklin Street)
Opened: September 23, 2017
Times: Park is Open Daily from Dawn to Dusk
Admission: FREE
Note: Bike’s, Scooter’s, and Roller Skates Welcome.
The Steetlon Skate Park provides incredibly diverse skateboarding terrain for skateboarders of all levels. The skatepark fulfills a long-standing need for a place to skate for the the Harrisburg area; the surrounding communities of Hershey, Camp Hill, and the entire Central PA region.
The skate park is located at Municipal Park in Steelton, PA, just minutes from Hershey Park, Middletown, Lemoyne, Highspire, Paxtonia, Colonial Park and West Shore locations. The Steelton Skatepark, a labor of love developed by Arment Concrete, the Steelton Borough, and the avid local skateboarding population.
Design elements for the park include old-school necessities coupled with integral modern essentials: the freely available public skatepark will offer challenges to develop the skills of rookies and veterans alike.
At approximately ten thousand square feet, the park is the size of two tennis courts and surfaced entirely with concrete. The Steelton Skatepark features a bowl, a three-quarter open-ended bowl, hubbas, banks, a quarter pipe, rail and stairs.
2020 Skate Park Expansion
The Borough of Steelton is currently in the design of Phase 2 for the Steelton Skate Park with construction to begin in early 2020. More Information to come….
Steelton Skate Park Rules