Stormwater Authority
Featured Documents
Stormwater Management Ordinance
Ordinance 2022-06
- Stormwater Management Ordinance 2022-6 File extension: pdf File size: 378 kB
Stormwater Management Program Presentation
Public Meeting Presentation
- Stormwater-Public-Meeting-Presentation File extension: pdf File size: 1 MB
Storm Water Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Stormwater is rainwater that “runs off” from impervious surfaces (rooftops, parking lots, driveways, etc.) and lawns at a much faster rate than it would from woods or large grassy areas. This runoff flows quickly through storm drain pipes into the streams. It can flood streets, erode stream banks, and topple trees.
- Steelton-Stormwater-FAQs File extension: pdf File size: 222 kB
Credit and Appeal Manual
Credits available to reduce their Stormwater Management Program (SMP) Fee. Credits are provided as a means for customers to reduce the amount of their fee by implementing a creditable Best Management Practice (BMP) to reduce the contribution of stormwater and pollutants to the Authority’s Stormwater Management system and/or to aid the Borough in meeting its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit obligations.
- Stormwater-Fee-Credit-Policy File extension: pdf File size: 539 kB