Winter Safety Tips
Steelton Borough residents should be ready and prepared for winter storms. Some important reminders for winter storms, including the storm expected this weekend, include:
(more…)Steelton Borough residents should be ready and prepared for winter storms. Some important reminders for winter storms, including the storm expected this weekend, include:
(more…)The Borough will have staff available, at the Water Filtration plant, thoughout the holidays to address your concerns and questions.
Please contact the Water Filtration staff at 717-939-0425 ex. 8 or Doug Brown, Borough Manager at 717-939-9842 ex. 5030.
If you have futher concerns, DEP Service Representative’s are available at 717-705-4709.
(more…)In preparation for the upcoming winter season, please help the Borough and Republic Services safely and efficiently service your property during inclement weather by following the requests below:
(more…)In order to allow for pickup of all trash on Pine Street between Harrisburg Street and Orchard Drive, Republic Services will change the time for trash pickup to between 6 am and 7 am until the Pine Street detour is lifted.