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Notices, Bids, RFPs

1/24/2016 Snow Update

Dear Borough Residents:

Tomorrow, January 25, 2016, the Steelton Borough Office will be closed. However, due to inclement weather conditions, all essential employees including Public Works and Police Department staff will report to work as regularly scheduled.

The Steelton Public Works Department, Police Department, and Fire Company have been working non-stop since Friday to clear roadways in the Borough. The snow storm experienced this weekend is a record-breaking event. Steelton Borough has expended all staff and resources to keep residents safe in this historical event.


State of Emergency Declared for the Borough of Steelton Beginning at 3pm 1/22/2016

UPDATED: 1/23/2016 12:30am

Based on the current 24″-36″ forecast, it appears that accumulations will be more than expected.  Public Works continues to try to keep the main roads open.  We ask all residents to be patient.   If you do not have to go anywhere, don’t.    Once the “dig out” begins, we ask residents for their cooperation by not shoveling into the street and by not putting any items into parking spaces that have been cleared.   Please be neighborly and check on your neighbors and assist in any way you can.    This is an historic event and everyones cooperation will be needed.

Doug Brown, Borough Manager


Winter Safety Tips

Steelton Borough residents should be ready and prepared for winter storms. Some important reminders for winter storms, including the storm expected this weekend, include:


Tier 2 Public Notification

Steelton Water Authority Tier 2 Public Notification

Release Date: 12/23/2015, Test Results Date: 12/21/2015

For Questions or Concerns

The Borough will have staff available, at the Water Filtration plant, thoughout the holidays to address your concerns and questions.

Please contact the Water Filtration staff at 717-939-0425 ex. 8 or Doug Brown, Borough Manager at 717-939-9842 ex. 5030.

If you have futher concerns, DEP Service Representative’s are available at 717-705-4709.
