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Fire Department

The Steelton Borough is fortunate to be served by a 100% volunteer fire company.

The Steelton Fire Department is 100% volunteer based 24/7/365 days a year. responding to incidents ranging from medical emergencies, auto-accidents and house fires, but not limited to those, we also respond to storm related events and public assists calls. The department holds several fundraising events annually such as chicken BBQs, sub sales and christmas tree sales to name a few. Keeping in mind that fundraising is the basis of our income being 100% volunteer. We also take pride in our community involvement and helping with out reach programs.

If you are interested in serving the community as a volunteer firefighter, contact Fire Chief Gene Vance at 717-939-2478

Fire Call Statistics


2019 Total Incidents


2018 Total Incidents


2017 Total Incidents


2016 Total Incidents


2015 Total Incidents


2014 Total Incidents


2013 Total Incidents


2012 Total Incidents