Website Information
Since September 2015, the Steelton Borough website has been developed and maintained by Council-Vice President Michael Segina.
In 2016 a complete redevelopment of the site was performed that drastically increase the information available online to the residents.
In 2020, the website was redone to expand the information available as well as a reorganization to make the information easier to locate.
Added features in the 2020 update included:
- Council Meeting Minutes from 2002 to Present.
- Residential Landing Page consolidating the most used information.
- Expansion of the Codes Department Section.
- Video Gallery was added.
- Much More!
Website History in Pictures
Help us make the website better
Feel free to submit any suggestions or feedback to the right.
- Information you would like to see added.
- Any information you would like to see updated.
- Or any Comments you may have.