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2024 Budgets for Review

The 2024 General & Sewer Fund Budget was developed by the Finance Committee of Steelton Borough Council in consultation with the Interim Borough Manager, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, departmental staff, and consultants.  

The process for developing the budget was as follows:

Staff Level Budget Meetings

Assistant Secretary Treasurer & the Interim Borough Manager met with Department Heads to review “Wish List” budgets including all desired capital and operational expenditures requested in the 2024 budget.                                      

Departmental meetings were used to compile an initial budget that included all desired expenditures. This budget was presented to the Finance Committee for review and represented a deficit due to the budget including all desired personnel, capital purchases, and capital projects.

   Publicly Advertised Finance Committee Meetings


September 2023

Review of Wish List Budgets with Department Heads – Each Department Head met directly with the Finance Committee to review and make a case for their budget requests as well as discuss areas in which they could cut their budget.



October 5th

Department Heads were provided with an opportunity to discuss their individual budgets with the Finance Committee. No Department heads were present.



October 5th, 12th, 19th

Review and discussion of cuts to balance budget. The cuts resulted in a balanced 2024 budget.



November 2nd

Committee recommends budget to Steelton Borough Council

Committee voted unanimously to recommend budget to Steelton Borough Council.



Publicly Advertised Council Meetings:

November 6th

Council Votes to Lay Budget for Public Inspection



November 6th – December 4th

Public Inspection Period



November 16th

Budget Ordinance advertised in Paper of General Circulation



November 28th

Budget Ordinance re-advertised in Paper of General Circulation



December 4th

Formal Consideration and Adoption. Council considers passing budget appropriations ordinance and tax ordinance.

Key Components of Budget

  • General Tax Millage Remains Same
  • Provided $20,000 to Public Works for training.
  • Budgeted 11 Fulltime Police Officers, 1 Corporal, 1 Chief Position
  • New Vehicle for Police Chief
  • Installation of Playground Equipment (site to be determined)
  • Allocated $40,000 for new Christmas Lights for Front Street.

2024 General Fund Budget (Download)

2024 Sewer Fund Budget (Download)