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Applicants Sought for Steelton Codes Hearing Board

Steelton Borough is seeking residents interested in serving on the Codes Hearing Board. The Codes Hearing Board considers appeals by property owners that dispute a decision of the Codes Office related to property maintenance. Powers of the Codes Hearing Board are below:

Powers of Code Hearing Board. The Code Hearing Board shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Interpretation. On appeal from a determination of the Code Enforcement Officer or on request of any Borough official, the Code Hearing Board shall decide any questions involving the interpretation of applicable codes and ordinances.

(2) Variances. The Code Hearing Board may grant a variance from the strict application of this chapter or of those other applicable codes and ordinances. Such variances may be granted only in those cases which would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship and where the public health and safety shall not be jeopardized.

(3) Appeals. The Code Hearing Board shall hear all appeals made to it and, depending upon its findings, shall decide whether such appeals shall be granted.

Applicants must be residents of the Borough of Steelton. Experience in construction, building codes and maintenance preferred.

Interested applicants must submit a resume to by December 30, 2016 in order to be considered for appointment to the board.
Douglas E. Brown, Borough Manager

Borough of Steelton
Phone: 717-939-9842 ext. 5030