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Emergency Management Agency

Emergency Management

The Steelton Borough Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) is responsible for providing a comprehensive emergency management system in Borough of Steelton.

This means that SEMA coordinates activities through the four phases of emergency management: preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.

By employing the “all-hazards” principle in these phases, SEMA ensures that there are clear roles, standardization, and high levels of coordination among response agencies involved in the protection of life, property, and the environment of the Steelton Borough.

Emergency Information for Residents

Know the warning signs and what to do in a disaster emergency. Depending upon the type of disaster, there may be a requirement to evacuate or shelter-in-place. Being prepared for both situations is essential in ensuring your and your family’s safety and comfort during an emergency. Preparedness activities take place BEFORE a disaster occurs. Have your Ready Kit available at all times, with updated seasonal-appropriate supplies. A checklist of items to include in your Ready Kit can be found at Ready PA

When Disaster Strikes

  • Emergency instructions will be relayed via radio and TV.
  • Keep your phone lines open; don’t make unnecessary calls.
  • Shelter-in-place – close all doors and windows and shut off any systems that draw in outside air, such as furnaces, fireplaces and air conditioners. Stay indoors and keep listening to the radio or TV for updates.
  • If instructed to evacuate – go to the local reception center and register. You may stay at the center if needed, or stay with friends or relatives outside the evacuation zone. Do not try to pick up children or other loved ones at schools, nursing homes, hospitals, or campgrounds as they will follow their own evacuation plan. Listen to the radio or TV to find out where these places have evacuated to.
  • Plan to be away for three days, locking up and turning off appliances as you would if you were going away for the weekend. Pack all necessary items and follow the evacuation route specified.
  • Being prepared will help you respond calmly and quickly in an emergency, when minutes matter.

Being prepared will help you respond calmly and quickly in an emergency, when minutes matter.

Media Stations

Have a battery-powered radio (and extra batteries) in case the power is out. Up-to-date emergency alerts and public safety information will be available on local TV and radio stations.


Phone numbers to be used only in case of emergency conditions:

  • Dauphin County Rumor Control Hotline, activated only during an emergency: (717) 558-6800